Three questions to ask yourself about your LinkedIn network

I have spoken to many professionals who have lost faith in “social media”. In almost every case, we go on a journey of tracing why they feel this way, and it almost always ends up with the same conclusion: they’re unsure of WHY they’re here.

Ultimately, they need a strategy that will work for them

I like to approach communication strategies by asking the 5Ws (and an H). You’re most likely familiar with the Who, What, When, Where, Why and How, but have you applied it to your digital communication strategy?

Without it, I can almost guarantee that any platform you use, any content strategy you employ and any posting schedule you follow will be unsustainable.

But, like all problems that need a solution, it’s hard to know how to tackle them or where to begin. My team and I can help you with your entire strategy, but before we do, here are three questions that you can ask yourself right now:

When it comes to your LinkedIn network…

  1. Am I a colleague? (Most of my network offers the same value or products that I do – I offer support)
  2. Am I a prospect? (Most of my network sees me as a client, customer or potential agent – I offer a means to an end)
  3. Am I a provider? (Most of my network sees value in what I do – I offer solutions to problems)

This is a great entry point because it also helps uncover and articulate the “WHY” of your value-proposition AND your reason for being here, as well as bringing your “WHO” into clearer focus.

I believe that LinkedIn is a platform that creates valuable relationships for those who are looking to grow their business, sustain their business or sell their business. If you think that you could get more out of your digital brand, and are unsure of what the next steps are, please feel free to get in touch with me.

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