
Everybody loves confetti, right??

Think of every wedding you’ve been to… every surprise party where poppers were provided… the excitement of frilly foils and explosive ecstasy has us grabbing for another handful, pulling another popper and acting a little crazy-happy.

Confetti is a great way to mark a celebration; but it’s not the celebration itself. We don’t walk away with the confetti, we walk away with memories of new relationships made, old acquaintances rekindled and possibly a headache that will last only a little longer than the confetti.

The confetti is swept up and thrown in the bin. Everyone enjoys a little confetti, but no-one remembers the confetti.

The same is true for online communication.

If your online communication strategy is founded on social media, and your content is largely feel-good memes, then you’re only having confetti conversations. There’s a place for these, but they’re not the meat-and-potatoes. They’re not why people remember you and start to see the value that you add.

Your online communication strategy needs to create a space for your clients and extended network to engage a little deeper – this is where it becomes value-adding.

Your network and clients won’t see or experience valuable online engagement with you from a single post that you shared, or one blog that you posted last year. Even if you’re lucky and it goes viral, it has a shelf life – just like the confetti.

Value – when it comes to online communication – is experienced and demonstrated when it is:

  1. consistent, and
  2. engaging

If you want better conversations with your network then your content has to be regular and consistent. It also needs to engage and connect (be relevant) to your ideal client or your targeted network.

If your clients love playing golf, talk to them about golf. If your clients are in education – speak to them about different views and trends in education. If your clients enjoy outdoor activities, then speak to that passion. It’s authentic and valuable.

Valuable content will cause your readers to feel like they’ve been challenged, affirmed, enlightened and that it’s worth having further conversations with you (which could be both online and offline).

This helps your network get to know you and start to like you. This is crucial in establishing trust and creating (and maintaining) a relationship that adds value.

So… if it’s time to pop some confetti – go for it! Just ensure that you have something more engaging and sustainable in your next post.

I hope that helps!

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