Who’s reading your mail?

After you’ve sent out a bulk email campaign – are you checking to see who’s read your email? Not just the percentage of opens… but the actual clients, who have maybe opened your email three or four times?

What about the clients who have opened your email 10 times? Do you have a strategy in place to implement operational decisions to your business based on who is reading your emails?

Here are some strategic approaches to managing your email campaigns in such a way that they will benefit your business!


  1. Quantity: if a client has opened your campaign more than five times, and you haven’t heard from them yet… give them a call, they most likely want to speak to you.
  2. Client Profile: this is a powerful way to see if clients who have given you feedback about your services are engaging with your content – be it positive or negative feedback, it’s a helpful to know if they’re reading your emails
  3. Non-opens: again, check who isn’t receiving your emails especially if you think they should be opening


  1. Soft vs Hard: bounces refer to email accounts that are either not working, incorrectly captured or temporarily unavailable

Once you have this info and have made notes, check if you’re seeing any of those clients in the coming week or two. Using your email campaign is a great conversation starter that is not transaction-based or product-centric (unless your email was not lifestyle focussed…).

  • If you’re seeing clients that have had bounces, you can ask them if they’ve had any issues receiving emails and if you have their email correctly captured.
  • If they aren’t on your mailing list, you can use your website to add them in your meeting – tying in the value of your site, your newsletter and your relationship with your client.
  • If they opened a few times, you can expect them to highlight something in particular that they enjoyed.

Whatever the result, knowing who reads your email campaigns and how they engage with that content should impact the day-to-day decisions that you make!

I hope that helps!

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